Sunday 24 November 2019

Heljan Lyn at the Warley model show

This weekend I was able to attend the Warley Model Railway show and take some pictures of the prototype Baldwin Lyn displayed on the Heljan stand. I was also reassured that the new Manning Wardle in the form of Lew ( shown here ) and Lyd have had the problems as seen with earlier production models rectified.
I hope that the pictures here of Lyn show what a very nice model we have to look forward to in 2020!

Heljan Manning Wardle running test

In my last post I explained how I attempted to improve the running quality of my first generation Heljan Manning Wardle model. The problem had been that the model refused to ride through the Peco points without derailing. This was way back in the Summer months. At the time I did take some videos of this improvement.The videos show Yeo negotiates all points very well but I was not totally happy with the video quality and intended to re shoot the sequence. Well as it turns out this improved video never saw the light of day so I have decided to show one of the original videos anyway. Something being better than nothing. Work on the layout has taken a little break for a while due to domestic work ( the DIY and decorating type) and work for a living!

I hope the short videos here help show the improvement in performance following the modifications mentioned in the previous post.